As a photographer, I know how real the struggle is for finding excellent quality free graphics for your online presence. What a minute, you take pictures but still need pics? Ummm, yes! I can’t shoot 24hrs a day or get a variety of shots for every idea I may want to post about. As we do encourage you to always contact us for your business photography needs; we also understand the need for quick and easy graphics.
Some things to keep in mind while searching the web for free stock photos and graphics, are rights to the images. You need express permission to use any image that is not yours unless the site gives express permission for sharing. That’s right, while you can right click and save an image, you need to investigate if it’s ethical to use. For example, most of the pictures in CEL3 Media posts are owned by us and the Rights are Reserved. You would need to contact us and get express permission to use them on your site/s. If not you can wind up in legal trouble and may have to pay damages. Also, take time and give your source some photo credit. This is a great way to give your photographer some exposure and acknowledge their work!
What can you do after you find the images? Some cool things to look into are graphic creators like Canva. This will allow you to add text and icons to your image to create a graphic. Canva also features an image size editor which allows you to add the specific dimensions for you image. This is very helpful for ensuring image size on sites like Twitter and Facebook. Jennifer Kennedy from Teach Good Stuff (#12 on our list of 32 Women bloggers) has a great step by step tutorial on how to use Canva for social media and blog posts.
Enjoy our list of free stock photos and resources to assist you with blog posts and social media marketing. Feel free to share sites that have great pictures of minorities in business. We have found creating our own graphics for this area is necessary because of the lack of representation on many free sites. ***note the CEL3 Media homepage picture is an example of a custom business image graphic we created
Other great lists for stock photo resources found below.
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